• Accessibility

    The Bay of Dreamers* Festival is unfortunately only limited accessible. Not all stages can entered with a wheelchair. There is a limited number of accessible toilets. If you have any specific questions, suggestions or ideas, please contact us at info@bucht-der-traeumer.de and we will be happy to discuss how we can make the experience more accessible for everyone.

  • Age Restriction

    Admission to the Bucht der Träumer* Festival is only allowed from the age of 21. We'll be checking your IDs at the entrance and will make no exceptions!

  • ATM

    There will be no ATMs at the festival. However, a telephone number will be displayed at the reception of Lake Helene for emergencies. If you need cash, please call this number. A person will then come to the reception to make the withdrawal.

    Fee: 5 EUR (for every 100€ or part thereof)

  • Awareness

    There will be an awareness team on site who will be available as a contact person for any cases of assault for affected persons. Please look out for each other and get help in case of assaults, violence, sexist, racist or discriminatory situations. Please be aware and reflective of how you treat yourselves, your fellow human beings and nature. Right next to the Cashless hut, you will find contact persons around the clock at the awareness and psy-care tent.

    You can find out more about our awareness structures and processes here.

  • Beware of Ticket Scammers!

    All online tickets are personalized. You will only get admission to the festival if the name on the ticket matches yours! You can assume that the majority of offers via Facebook, Ebay classifieds, Craigslist etc. are of a fraudulent nature.

    Basically: Don't transfer money to people you don't know! Even if you have a harmless profile photo.

  • bungalows

    All bungalows at Lake Helene are currently reserved.

  • Camping and cars

    Camping is of course included in the ticket. We only have limited space for camping with a bus/camper. As soon as this area is full, vehicles can only be parked in the designated parking lot. Please leave your camping stoves at home. Due to the risk of forest fires, camping stoves may not be used.

    For buses, campers, motorhomes and cars with mattresses - i.e. everything you sleep in - you need a camper ticket. This must be purchased online in advance due to limited capacity. Since 2024 Parking Tickets for cars must be bought online aswell.

  • Cashless Payment

    The Bucht der Träumer* Festival is 100% cashless. That means you can pay for everything with your chip on the festival wristband and move around the grounds without any cash or valuables.

    Find all the information and answers about our Cashless concept here!

  • celebrate together

    Enjoy the festival, take care of yourselves and your fellow human beings and rather ask once more if you have the feeling that a person is not well.

    Psychological as well as physical violence and wanton damage to property will not be tolerated.

  • charging station

    There will be no extra cell phone charging station at the festival. Our recommendation: Turn on cell phones only in case of emergency and forget times and urgencies.

  • confetti

    Please leave your confetti at home. We want to respect nature and leave everything as we found it.

  • dogs

    Dogs are not allowed. In our opinion, a festival is not a place for animals.

  • drinking water

    A variety of drinking water stations are dotted around the site. The rule is: where water comes out, there is drinking water in. You can find the locations on the map. We have also come up with all sorts of ideas to provide quick refreshments between floors. Keep your eyes peeled for running washcloths, soaring water snakes and spitting llamas!

  • drugs

    The sale of illegal drugs is not tolerated. Dealers fly out immediately!

  • fire and bbq

    Open fires are strictly prohibited! Since our camping area is in the middle of the forest, it is unfortunately not possible to grill there. Please leave your camping stoves at home! With these dry summers, we have to be super careful with the forest fire risk. Please stick to it - otherwise our security staff will unfortunately have to take action!

  • first aid

    The DRK is on site for medical emergencies.

  • food

    Our food court will offer a wide range of exclusively vegetarian and vegan dishes - so come along and indulge your taste buds!

  • Garbage Deposit

    In addition to the ticket price, we charge a garbage deposit of 10 euros. The deposit will be returned to you upon return of a filled garbage bag and garbage deposit tag. The garbage deposit token will be given to you upon entering the festival at the entrance. Alternatively you can donate your garbage deposit and support the preservation of the festival.

    The garbage return times at the festival are as follows Sunday 08:00 a.m. - Monday morning 02:00 a.m. Monday 08:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Tuesday 08:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  • glas

    Glass is prohibited throughout Lake Helene. Glass bottles are also not welcome at the campsite. We trust you to use your own judgement. We would like to minimise the amount of glass bottles and other glass containers.

    Please avoid breaking glass at all costs! Those who would like to walk and dance barefoot should be able to do so without any worries. For this reason, glass is prohibited within the festival grounds. Please fill your drinks into shatterproof bottles or cups before entering the festival area.

  • grafitti & tags

    Please refrain from graffiti and tags. The removal on borrowed things (toilets, technology, etc.) will be very expensive for us and thus endangers the long-term survival of the festival. Whoever is caught anyway, will be kicked out.

  • How to find us

    The site is accessible by car and train, Bassliner and bicycle. You can find the exact coordinates and a map under the ARRIVAL section.

    Arrival is possible from Thursday at 12.00 noon. Departure must be by 12.00 noon on Tuesday at the latest.

  • Is the lake still off limits?

    Unfortunately, the lake is still closed due to the risk of landslides. Swimming in the lake is officially prohibited. Failure to comply will jeopardise our existence as a festival. We would therefore ask you to respect this.

  • kids

    The Bucht der Träumer* Festival is a festival for adults aged 21 and over. Adolescents and young adults aged 13 to 20 are not permitted to enter the festival grounds.

    For children aged 0 to 12 years, the following regulation has been in place since 2023 in coordination with the Youth Welfare Office: They are allowed to move around the northern part of the festival site (called Lumina) during the day if accompanied by an adult chaperone.

    There is a small children's area here, which is supervised by Zirkus Mond. However, children cannot simply be left here either. On Lumina you will also find our workshop spaces, the live stage, the food court and our wellness area - the Schweissperle - and thus also a few nice opportunities for parents to take a deep breath and relax. The roller skating disco is also located nearby. Unfortunately, there are no rental skates for the little roller skating enthusiasts this year - so please bring your own children's roller skates!

    Access to the large rave enclosure (called Umbria) in the south will continue to be denied to the little pens!

    We expect a clear commitment to these rules from the accompanying adults and will react consistently if there is a lack of the necessary sense of responsibility.

  • kiosk

    Forgot your toothbrush or need some chewing gum? Whether it's cigarettes, condoms, trick-or-treaters, toothpaste or other small items - you'll find plenty of knickknacks and everything your heart desires in the kiosk.

  • liability

    Participation in the festival is basically on your own responsibility. We assume no liability for physical and material damage during the event and also not in the context of the arrival and departure. The instructions of the security, the fire department and the DRK are to be followed!

  • lost & found

    Lost and found items can be handed in at the Lost&Found next to the Infopoint. After the festival you can contact the following e-mail address: fundsachen@bucht-der-traeumer.de

  • own sound systems

    With a lot of love we have put together a great music program for you on the floors. The campground, on the other hand, is meant to be a place of retreat. Please respect the quiet areas and leave your own sound systems at home. If you overdo it, you risk being banned - so please spare yourselves and us unnecessary discussions. Thank you very much!

  • parking

    Please pay attention to the announcements of the parking lot crew: Entrances and exits, as well as rescue routes must be kept clear.

    Vehicles parked on the escape routes will be towed away immediately at the owner's expense. The StVO applies on the premises!

  • participate

    Without the support of numerous SupporterA (our ticketvolunteers) the festival would not be feasible. Hundreds of stewards, guards and various other positions are to be filled. We also offer jobs every now and then. Become part of the big picture and apply for us. You can find more information here: Join!

  • party break

    Not all floors on the Bay of Dreamers* run continuously from Friday to Sunday.

  • Photo Policy

    Professional photography and all filming are prohibited. Please be considerate of each person's sanctuary. No one wants to be photographed while celebrating without being asked.

    For the documentation of the festival a camera team of us will be on the way. Only this team is allowed to make professional film and photo recordings. This team will also be very sensitive when recording people. By purchasing the ticket you agree to be pictured on the footage.

  • pocket ashtray

    We will distribute a certain number of pocket ashtrays on site. But please bring your own pocket ashtrays and do not throw cigarettes on the ground.

  • press

    There are no press accreditations for the Bucht der Träumer * Festival. For questions please contact info@bucht-der-traeumer.de.

  • psy care

    We will again have a Psy Care drop-in center on site for mental health emergencies.

  • reduced tickets

    Would you like to share a Bucht der Träumer*, but can't afford the full ticket price? Every year we offer the so-called reductions. These discounted tickets are intended for people with an income below € 1200. Current information about the application and allocation of Reduzini found at Tickets.

    Reduzinis are personalized and not transferable!

  • ribbon check

    We will conduct random wristband checks on the premises during the event. Passing on the festival wristband is not permitted. The wristbands are equipped with a payment chip. So you can pay cashless everywhere.

  • safer space

    Sexist, racist, homo- and transphobic, anti-disabled and similar assaults will NOT be tolerated! In such cases, please contact the awareness team or the security. Nazis have no place at the festival. No means no! Whoever is looking for protection or needs a time out will find support at the Awareness/Psy-Care area.

  • showers

    There are shower containers, as well as fixed showers of the campsite.

  • stands

    Unannounced sales stands will not be tolerated and will be dismantled by us immediately!

  • super market

    You will find several supermarkets in nearby Frankfurt (Oder).

  • Sustainability

    A festival always entails a significant ecological footprint. We make great efforts to address this as best we can, but we also acknowledge that we are not perfect. That's why we have added a Sustainability Officer to our team this year.

    You can also contribute to a sustainable festival with these alternative actions:

    Please don't leave anything behind and take your camping equipment back home. Use the provided garbage bags and take your trash to the return stations before leaving. Utilize the waste bins on the festival grounds. Urinating in nature harms the soil, plants, and animals – please use the fixed and mobile toilets on-site. Conserve water and keep showers short, if possible. Whenever possible, avoid using disposable tableware. Use (pocket) ashtrays and do not toss cigarette butts on the ground. If you have extra space in your car, offer it to others. Make use of our eco-friendly restroom options. (From now on, you can find a detailed explanation of our goals for this year and the years to come on our website.)[https://bucht-der-traeumer.de/nachhaltigkeit]

    Together, we can ensure that we leave smaller footprints behind!

  • swim

    Due to the closure of the shore after the landslide in 2021, unfortunately swimming is not allowed in the lake. We will set up other splash and spa attractions on the mainland. It may get wet!

  • There is an absolute ban on drones during the entire Bucht der Träumer* festival. Violators will be sent off. Thank you for your understanding!

    Drones forbidden!

  • thunderstorms

    In case of severe thunderstorm (with lightning): Leave dance floor and event area Keep calm Get into the vehicles Offer shelter to other visitors in the vehicle Avoid the forest! Help those in need of help and injured Pay attention to the announcements of the organizers.

  • ticket resale

    The resale of the Bucht der Träumer* tickets takes place exclusively on the official Tixforgigs page.

    If you can't come to the festival, you can offer your ticket there and set the resale price (within +/- 10 € of the original price) yourself. There you can also pass the ticket on to a specific person. When setting up the resale, you can choose between “Public” and “Private”. If you choose ""Private"", the offer will not appear in the shop. A link is generated for this, which can then be forwarded to the appropriate person. With the link, this person can then purchase your ticket via the platform. If you choose “Public”, the ticket will appear again in the shop at Tixforgigs.com.

    When purchasing, the new buyers name is automatically entered, after which the old ticket is no longer valid. Here there are instructions for setting up resale. If you have any other questions about ticketing, please contact support@tixforgigs.com directly.

  • toilets

    There are toilet containers, as well as fixed toilets of the campsite. In addition, there are also toilette carts, Finizio and div. urinals. Missoir is also there - the best FLINTA* urinals :)

  • valuables

    Unfortunately, theft sometimes occurs at festivals. Please do yourself a favor and do not leave any valuables in the tent. There will be no lockers.