

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable. Above all, news about emergencies in the global South is multiplying. However, even in our privileged situation, we are increasingly aware of how the world is changing.

For this reason, it is more important than ever that, as festival organizers, we are aware of our responsibility. Not only with our event itself, which takes place in such a beautiful spot on our planet, but also with the values we stand for and convey outwardly.

We work hard to improve our processes, constantly question ourselves, and find sustainable alternatives.

Because culture is essential. To empower each other, promote community, and ignite creativity. To reflect, but also to find a balance from everyday structures. Moreover, we can reach so many people to convey alternative actions and exemplify a climate-friendly lifestyle.

For this reason, we started years ago to make our event more climate-friendly step by step. This year, we have also created a position to guide us on this path. We want to set a clear example, critically question ourselves, and work on our adjustments.

It is important for us to provide you with a transparent overview of what we are already doing, what our next steps are, and honestly share our mistakes. You can find all the information in regular updates in our newsletter and on this page.

What we are already doing:


Waste & Resources

Through the waste deposit, we want to promote mindful handling of the festival grounds. Additionally, you support us in leaving the area as untouched as possible. We sort waste separately. Each trash bag is opened again, and the different materials are sorted. This way, we gradually increase the material recycling rate. Where possible, we opt for reusable items instead of disposable ones. This applies to setup, teardown, and the event itself. Furthermore, we avoid single-use plastics. Since the beginning (2017), we have been using digital tickets to save paper and transportation. Moreover, we do not provide bottles at the bars. We want to avoid glass shards ending up in the forest to protect the environment and create an opportunity to experience the festival barefoot.


We ensure that alongside conventional food offerings, there is a diverse vegetarian and vegan selection. Our food options are almost entirely vegetarian and/or vegan. There is at least one vegetarian dish available at all food stands. All food products are sourced regionally, seasonally, and labeled with the Fairtrade seal. In collaboration with Foodsharing, we minimize food waste at the event. Drinking water stations are available throughout the entire area. They are clearly marked on the map and on-site with signage – remember to bring a reusable bottle for refills.


Currently, we can only power about 20% of our festival with grid electricity. The rest comes from generators. We are working on optimizing our power distribution to reduce our reliance on diesel generators in the future.

Logistics & Resources

We strive for efficient logistics planning to save resources. We encourage our team to carpool and avoid unnecessary trips. We minimize printed materials as much as possible. Our festival merchandise is made from certified raw materials (Continental certification, Öko-Text Standard). We primarily use permanent on-site toilets. Additionally, we have 4 other stations with 8 composting toilets and 4 urinals each. We also collaborate closely with the Missoir team. We regularly question our actions to save as many resources as possible. In cases where this is not possible, we gradually replace them with products bearing the Fairtrade/Bio/Blauer Engel (Blue Angel) seal. Mobility An increasing number of our visitors use public transportation to arrive. We provide buses in collaboration with Bassliner for this purpose. Due to construction work on the Müllrose - Frankfurt (Oder) route, this year there is unfortunately only a rail replacement service between Frankfurt Oder and Helene See. The Helene See station is completely canceled. Here you can find out how to reach Helene See despite this. Also, use our Telegram group to find carpooling opportunities.

How you can support us:

Traveling is the biggest contributor to the CO2 footprint of a festival. Therefore, travel using public transportation, Bassliner, or even bicycles whenever possible. If you arrive by car, carpool. This is not only good for the environment but also saves money. Take care of the environment; do not litter cigarette butts or trash in nature. Use ashtrays or trash bins (bags) instead. Purchase camping equipment that you intend to use in the long term, and take all your equipment back home. Alternatively, borrow camping equipment from friends. Use the provided garbage bags and bring your trash to the return stations at the end of the festival. Avoid urinating in nature; it harms the soil, plants, and animals. Please use the fixed and mobile toilets on-site. Opt for the vegan/vegetarian food options. Only buy as much food and drinks for the campsite as you can consume. Conserve water and keep your showers brief. Avoid single-use tableware and bring reusable bottles to use the water stations on-site. Consider climate-friendly alternatives when packing. New in 2023:

CO2 Footprint

This year, for the first time, we aim to calculate our ecological footprint. We are aware that the ecological footprint is just one indicator, and there are many measures not captured by this metric. Nevertheless, this calculation helps us identify areas for improvement and visualize progress.

Areas of Action

Since this year, we have established a dedicated sustainability position. With this role, we have developed a set of measures that assess the current status quo and critically examine the goals we have set before and after the festival. Detailed documentation provides a roadmap for the coming years, allowing us to clearly track areas needing improvement.


Starting this year, we aim to track and compare our waste streams more accurately, allowing us to provide evidence of improvement through numbers.


This year, we will label the most environmentally friendly option at our food trucks for the first time. This will help you make climate-friendly choices.

Focus, Goals, Outlook

We are aware that sustainability is an ongoing process, involving steps forward and sometimes a few steps backward. As a festival, we have only one opportunity per year to try out and implement alternative actions. We constantly exchange ideas with other festivals and organizers to identify best practices. To maintain an overview, we will focus on specific topics year by year to continue our development in various areas. However, we won't neglect other areas in the process.

  • Reducing car travel and expanding alternative transportation options.
  • Reducing the use of diesel-powered generators.
  • Expanding waste separation across the entire site, increasing recycling rates, and better visualizing material flows.


Music connects, creates shared experiences and offers space for development. Unfortunately, we have to admit that we cannot yet be inclusive for everyone. However, it is very important to us that we continue to develop and become more inclusive step by step.

To make this possible, we would like to give you an overview of the measures already in place.

We would also like to encourage you to get in touch with us if you need support on the site. We will gladly try to implement as many measures as possible to make your festival visit as accessible as possible.

Travelling to the festival

If you are travelling by car, we will be happy to reserve a parking space for you directly at the entrance. Please let us know if you would like to use this car park.

Sanitary facilities

The wheelchair-accessible toilets and showers are located between the Pearlopolis and Mirage live stages at the "stille Fische" campsite. We will publish the exact locations of the wheelchair-accessible sanitary facilities shortly before the festival. We will be expanding the infrastructure for this this year.


Unfortunately, we do not have any shower wheelchairs available. We also do not have a lift for transferring into a shower wheelchair. Our Awareness Team will be happy to support you if you need help. You will find the Awareness Team right next to the Cashless Point.

Store medication in a cool place

You are welcome to store your medication in a cool place at our Infopoint. Just get in touch with our Infopoint team.


You will find our paramedics behind the Livestage see map. In an emergency, you can reach the paramedics via our staff, e.g. at the bars, stage managers, technicians or the awareness team.

Awareness Team

If you do not feel well during the festival, please come to the Awareness Team. If someone is not treating you well, please come to the Awareness Team. The Awareness Team is there for you and believes you. We are on your side. You can recognise the Awareness Team by the blue T-shirts with the word Awareness on them. We also have blue bags and waistcoats with awareness printed on them. Alternatively, you can contact the awareness team via our staff at the bars, the stage managers and anyone with a radio. There is also an awareness hotline with the number: +49 151 11092862

Water points

You will find drinking water points throughout our site. You can fill up your bottle at the drinking water points. In addition, the water at all sanitary facilities is drinking water.


The main paths on the festival site are tarmac. However, roots are already coming through the ground in many places, which is why the ground is very uneven. The remaining part of our festival site is mainly forest ground, which is very sandy. These may be difficult to access with a wheelchair.